Trump Accuses Fed Chair Powell of Political Motives with Interest Rate Cuts

Donald Trump has slammed the current Fed Chair, Jay Powell, for alleged “political” reasons for potentially cutting interest rates despite nominating him in 2017. Trump Targets Powell Donald Trump intensified his criticism of Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell, accusing him of being “political.” Political Accusations Trump accused Powell of planning to cut interest rates to … Read more

Disney Challenges DeSantis’ Don’t Say Gay Rule

Disney is set to appeal its refusal for a lawsuit against Ron DeSantis, who stripped the company of its rights for disagreeing with the Governor’s views on the teaching of sexual orientation in classrooms. Disney’s Swift Response Disney is challenging the dismissal of its First Amendment lawsuit against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The Florida Faceoff … Read more

Biden Criticizes Grocery Stores as Inflation Rises

Biden has slammed large grocery corporations for “ripping off” America, urging them to share their savings with consumers in a bid to lower the rising inflation. Biden’s Grocery Price Pressure President Biden compelled major grocery chains to cut food prices, accusing them of gaining excessive profits and exploiting consumers across the country. Allegations of Corporate … Read more

Nikki Haley Raises Concerns Over Trump’s $50 Million Legal Expenses Covered by Donor Funds

In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper for “The Lead,” Presidential hopeful Nikki Haley used her platform to launch a strike at Trump’s camp, accusing him of wasting millions in donor donations on his hefty legal bills. Haley called the expense “unconscionable” and claimed that Trump’s limited campaign efforts were due to his financial woes. … Read more

Biden Administration Challenges Big Pharma to Lower Drug Prices

In a historic move, the Biden Administration is taking bold steps to confront the high costs of prescription drugs. The government is seeking to leverage the Inflation Reduction Act to give Medicare the ability to negotiate prices directly with pharmaceutical companies. The new initiative hopes to alleviate the financial burden on millions of Americans, particularly … Read more

Trump Proposes 60% Tariffs on Chinese Goods, Consumers Brace for Impact

Presidential candidate Donald Trump has discussed imposing 60% tariffs on Chinese products coming to America, which experts argue will trigger a global “trade war” that has never been seen before in modern history. Election Strategy Unveiled Former President Donald Trump has reportedly been discussing a potential 60% tariff on all imports from China if he … Read more

Biden Cautions Against Potential Reversal Under Trump’s Return

In a stirring campaign address to his Victory Fund supporters and its contributors, President Joe Biden reflected on the significant achievements of his term. In the lead-up to the elections, the President also delivered a critique of leadership under Donald Trump, while focusing on the need for continued efforts to secure the nation’s future. Revitalizing … Read more

Trump’s Tax Whistleblower Receives 5-Year Term for Leak

In a landmark decision, former IRS consultant Charles Littlejohn has been sentenced to five years in prison for his role in leaking confidential tax filings, including those of former President Donald Trump and numerous wealthy individuals. The sentencing, delivered by District Court Judge Ana Reyes, has sparked debates about the boundaries of transparency and national … Read more

Former Economic Director Praises Biden’s Success

A Republican and former economy director during Trump’s tenure as president has shocked a Fox News interviewer by praising Biden’s economic success and admitting he “Would be bragging about it, too.” Kudlow Acknowledges Biden’s Economic Achievements Larry Kudlow, former director of the National Economic Council during the Trump era, conceded that President Biden has a … Read more