Farage’s Remarks on Systemic Racism to Black Community Stir Controversy

Nigel Farage has given a message to the black community, showing the Reform UK leader’s rejection of systemic racism in the UK.

Farage’s Controversial Take

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Nigel Farage has told a reporter he plans to do “absolutely nothing” to help the black community in the United Kingdom.

How It All Started

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During an interview, the leader of Reform UK claimed that he was asked by a member of the public what he plans to do to help the black community.

Farage Asked Important Question

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

Farage said, “I was asked the other day, what was I going to do for the black community”, before giving his chilling reply.

“Nothing, Absolutely Nothing”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

Farage asserted that he replied to the question with the words “nothing, absolutely nothing” before giving his reason.

Sitting Down With Jordan Peterson

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Rupert Rivett

Nigel Farage, the former leader of the UKIP Party, sat down with controversial Canadian author and political commentator Jordan Peterson.

Farage “Couldn’t Give a Damn”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tony Norkus

Farage told Peterson that he “couldn’t give a damn” when Peterson asked about how he would help the black community.

Farage’s Point Explained

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tennessee Witney

Farage insisted that he “couldn’t give a damn whether you’re black or white, whether you’re gay or straight, I really don’t care.”

Judging by Character

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Koca Vehbi

The former Brexit Party leader told Peterson that he would judge people by their “character” and “ability.”

Judging on Contribution to Society

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker

Farage said that he would also judge people on whether they are “contributors” to society or people who take away without giving back. 

Admitting Controversial Opinion

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker

Farage admits that this is a controversial position right now but insists that it’s the only way for Britain to achieve a shared society that “works together.”

“Dangerous, Radical Thinking”

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According to Farage, “right at the moment, this is considered to be dangerous, radical thinking.”

Farage’s Plan for “Unified Society”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fred Duval

Despite this admission, Farage spoke of the importance of explaining to people “Why this matters,” suggesting it’s the only hope for a “unified society.”

Farage Appointed Leader of Reform

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

Farage was appointed as leader of Reform UK in early June, replacing former leader Richard Tice and having an instant impact.

‘The Farage Effect’

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Chris Comber

Farage’s instant impact was clear, contributing to Reform’s rapid rise in the polls to 17% in the first two weeks of his leadership.

Reform Overtakes Tories

Image Credit: Shutterstock / John B Hewitt

Shortly after, Reform rose again to 19% and even overtook the Tories in one YouGov survey, although this didn’t last despite a wild assertion from Farage.

Reform as “The Opposition”

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After this news broke, Farage made the claim that Reform was now “the opposition” to Labour and argued the Party should be featured in TV debates.

A Fall From Grace

Image Credit: Shutterstock / OLEH SLEPCHENKO

Despite this claim, Farage and his Party went on a downward spiral due to the leader’s comments on the Russia-Ukraine war.

Blaming the West

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fred Duval

Farage blamed “The West” for starting the war in Ukraine instead of putting the blame on Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Farage Admits Putin Respect

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Aynur Mammadov

Farage admitted that he respected Putin for his ability to hold on to power for so long, putting him in a difficult position.

Farage Elected in Clacton

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Mircea Moira

Reform UK still managed to do well in the polls during the general election, with Farage winning his constituency of Clacton, Essex, after years of trying.

Systemic Racism Rejected

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

Farage’s assertion that he will do “absolutely nothing” to help the black community shows that he does not believe in systemic racism in the UK.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tennessee Witney.

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