Former Top Gear host James May has given his opinion on whether “Older, lower-middle-class white blokes” are at risk of being pushed aside.
James May Discusses Men’s Image

In a recent podcast appearance, Top Gear star James May shared his thoughts on the perception of men in today’s society.
Challenges Faced by Men

May is concerned about the negative portrayal of men in today’s media, suggesting that they are often unfairly judged and dismissed.
Addressing Toxic Masculinity

While claiming he understands toxic masculinity, May also stressed the need to confront and address this issue without tarring all men with the same brush.
The Key Question

During the podcast, May’s co-star Richard Hammond’s daughter asked him some questions on toxic masculinity and its impact on society.
Hammond Duo Ask Important Question

On the podcast, The Hammonds, involving Richard Hammond himself and his daughter Izzy Hammond, May was asked whether male figures were “in trouble.”
May Insists Men Get “Bad Rap”

May insisted that men in modern-day society were getting a “bad rap” due to the issue of toxic masculinity, pointing out the dangers of being a white, middle-class man.
May Cites Toxic Masculinity

“But I do think men are getting a bit of a bad rap recently because there is a lot of talk about toxic masculinity,” May insisted.
Recognition of the Problem

May recognised that regarding toxic masculinity, “there is a lot of it around” making it clear that confronting it is “right” before making his further statement.
Not All Men

May went on to point out that it’s wrong to generalise every man due to the actions of a certain few in the past, claiming that a certain demographic of men is instantly written off.
The Crime of Being a “Bloke”

May argued that “It’s not all of us,” arguing that “simply being a bloke” who’s older, white and middle class makes it difficult.
Judged for Being Male

May stated that “if you’re a slightly older, lower middle class, white bloke” then “you’re almost immediately written off as being unworthy.”
Hammond Defends Top Gear

In an interview last year, Hammond insisted that Top Gear, the show that he and May worked on for so long, was not the sexist show that people suggested.
Top Gear Made of “Three Nice Blokes”

In the interview in 2023, Hammond made the point that Top Gear wasn’t as “laddish” as people thought, claiming that they weren’t “misogynistic” and the hosts were “three nice blokes.”
Male-Focussed Line of Work

After pointing out that he had worked for the majority of his life in the male-dominated industry of cars, May gave his final answer to the question.
Is The Modern Man At Risk?

May considered that he had “worked in and around a subject that is associated with men, cars,” asking himself whether the “Modern man” was at risk of dying out.
May Answers The Key Question

May answered his question with the words, “Probably not” asserting the world “rarely does go to the dogs.”
Hammond Asks May of Guilt

Richard Hammond went on to ask the question “Are you written off or are you guilty of something?”
May Insists There’s No Guilt

May insisted that he didn’t feel guilty before Hammond once again interjected to defend his co-star of nearly three decades.
Sticking Up For Co-Host

Hammond made the point that if May did feel guilty about his and other men’s past behaviour, May would probably admit it.
May’s Balanced Response

May’s response gave insight into a wealthy, white male on a controversial topic, showing that he understands where critics are coming from but also providing a balanced answer.
The post TV Host James May Criticizes Treatment of White, Middle-Aged Men first appeared on Now Buzz.
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