Southport in Chaos: Violence Erupts Amid Rising Public Anger

Three children died, and a further eight children and two adults were injured in a knife attack in Southport. 

Violent Disorders Broken Out in the Country

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Brian A Jackson

Disorders have since broken out in several parts of London due to the spread of misinformation about the identity of the suspect charged with the crime.  

Misinformation to Blame for Disorder

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

Dal Babu, Former Chief Superintendent and firearms commander in the Met, blamed the disorder on the “reckless” misinformation circulating. 

Suspect” Born in the Country”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / William Barton

Babu spoke on BBC R4’s Today Programme and explained that the police have taken the “unprecedented” decision to confirm that the suspect “was born in this country.”

Identity Not Released Due to Age

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The suspect’s identity had previously not been revealed due to his age; however, a judge overturned reporting restrictions at Liverpool Crown Court. 

Full Report on Identity to Contain Misinformation

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Judge Andrew Menary KC said, “Allowing full reporting will undoubtedly remove some of the misreporting as to the identity of the defendant.”

Identity of Defendant Revealed

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Morakot Kawinchan

The judge has acknowledged it’s a rare occurrence, saying, “whilst I accept it is exceptional given his age, principally because he is 18 in six days, I do not make an order under Section 45.” 

Almost 100 Arrests Made Due to Disorder

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The decisions were made after violent disorder broke out in numerous parts of the country, with disorder in Southport and almost 100 arrested at a protest in Whitehall. 

Flares Launched Towards Downing Street

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Claudio Divizia

In London, demonstrators launched flares at the gates of Downing Street and a statue of Winston Churchill. 

Chantings Heard Saying” Stop the Boats”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jacob Lund

Chantings saying “stop the boats” and “save our kids” were heard while bottles and cans were thrown at officers. 

Officers Injured Containing Disorder

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Drop of Light

The Met released a statement saying they had deployed officers to contain the upheaval, and many suffered minor injuries. 

Police Car Set on Fire

Image Credit: Shutterstock / 1000 Words

The arrests were for a range of offences, including assault on an emergency worker, violent disorder and breach of protest conditions, and a police car was set on fire. 

Glass Bottles and Eggs Thrown at Police

Image Credit: Shutterstock / eporohin

Eight people were arrested after disorder broke out in Hartlepool with eggs and glass bottles being thrown at police by the protesters. 

Cleveland Police Draws Connection of Protest to Southport Incident

Image Credit: Shutterstock / JordanCrosby

Chief Superintendent David Sutherland of the Cleveland Police said, “we believe the the protest is in connection with the incident in Southport earlier this week.”

PM to Invite Police to Discuss Unrest

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Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer will invite senior policing leaders to Downing Street to discuss the continued disorders and unrest. 

Government Offers Its Backing to Emergency Service Workers

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

The meeting will be conducted to offer full backing from the government to the police “following multiple high-profile incidents of extreme violence and public disorder on the streets,” said Number 10. 

Peaceful Protest Protected

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ian Dewar Photography

It said that the right to peaceful protests is allowed and must be protected; however, there are always those who will exploit it to “sow hatred and carry out violent acts”, and those who commit offences will face the law accordingly. 

Starmer Announced New” Capabilities”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / ComposedPix

Starmer has announced a new “capability” across police forces to try to tackle the violent disorders that have broken out across the country. 

Reactions Are Varied, and Fear Is Normal

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Andy Wasley

He held a press conference in Downing Street where he acknowledged that “fear is an understandable reaction to the attack” but asked that the families be given time to grieve and authorities the time to do their job. 

All Questions Will Be Answered in Due Time

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Michael Tubi

Starmer has said there will be a time for questions, and “we will make sure the victims and families are at the heart of that process.”

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Loch Earn.

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