Prime Minister Keir Starmer has suspended seven Labour MPs for voting against the government’s decision to abolish the two-child benefit cap.
Child Benefits Since 1946

The UK government has provided financial aid for raising children for families since 1946.
Child Benefits a Point of Contention

Recently, payments for families have been debated and are under much pressure to get attention from the new government.
2017 Lead to the Two Child Benefit Cap

In 2017, the Conservative government limited the number of children so that families could claim benefits for two children.
Chancellor Believed the Benefit Cut Would Make Families Think Twice About Expansion

The Chancellor at the time of the limit, Exchequer George Osborn, stated that the benefits being paid to larger families were too expensive and would make the public consider their finances before having more children.
Cap to Ensure Financial Choices Are Forefront

Osborn said the limit would “ensure that families in receipt of benefits faced the same financial choices about having children as those supporting themselves solely in work.”
Hopes of Labour Changing Two-Child Policy

Many hoped the new Labour government would change the two-children benefit cap once in power.
Starmer Took a While to Address the Issue

Since Starmer’s reign, he has addressed a few vital issues within his first two weeks in office but acknowledged the growing child poverty and poor state of the UK’s finances.
Sir Keir Was Pro Scrapping Initially

The cap has been blamed for the increasing level of child poverty in the UK, with Keir having previously stated that the cap should be scrapped.
Finances Couldn’t Extend to Lifting the Cap

Starmer changed his decision when he was informed of the state of finances that Labour would have to inherit if they won the election, which they did.
High Hopes of Lift From Education Secretary

When Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson told Sky News that the government was “considering” removing the cap, there were high hopes it would be scrapped.
Emergency Vote Called

This week, an emergency vote was held on scrapping the two-child limit imposed on some family benefits.
Seven Labour MP’s Suspended

Seven Labour MPs were suspended for six months for voting in favour of the amendment against the PM’s orders.
MP Speaks Out About Her Suspension

Ms Sultana spoke about her suspension, saying, “I will always stand up for the most vulnerable in our society.” She explained that scrapping the cap would lift 330,000 children out of poverty.
Amendment Defeated by Majority Vote

The amendment was defeated by 363 to 103 votes, with a majority of more than 174 allowing Starmer to dismiss the rebellion.
Labour Mp’s to Deliver on Programme They Were Elected On

Starmer suspended the MPs for defiance to show that the Labour MPs were voted in and should deliver on the programme they were elected on.
Cap Lift Is Estimated at £3BN

The new government is believed to be committed to helping to address the rising issue of child poverty, but lifting the cap was estimated at £3bn, which is money they don’t have at present.
Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Altopix.